LifeHack 2022
LifeHack 2022 Logo

LifeHack 2022

9th - 10th July & 16th July 2022

Stay ahead of change. Innovate the future.


LifeHack 2022 is a hackathon aimed to channel the creativity, drive, and skills of the participants in the software development field. Participants are expected to develop intelligent solutions in response to the problem statements presented during the competition. The event is mostly held online, with the exception of the closing day.

There will be 3 themes for participants to choose from:

Giving Back




Day 1: Opening Day (9th July)

0900 - 0910

Welcome Address

0910 - 0920

Reiteration of Objectives, Guidelines and Actionables

0920 - 0940

“How it works” Briefing

0940 - 0950

Sharing of available platforms/workshops and helplines available from SoC

0950 - 1010

Live Q&A (Pigeon Hole)

1010 - 1020


1020 - 1120

Panel Discussion

1120 - 1150

Sponsorship Talks

1150 - 1155

Taking a picture with everyone

1155 - 1200

Release of Problem Statements at 12!


Discord Q&A with Industry Experts

2030 - 2145


Day 2: Submission Day (10th July)


Submission Deadline

1200 - 1800


1800 - 1900

Moderation of Marks


Announcements of top projects and special prize winners!

Day 3: Finale Day (16th July)

1000 - 1015

Opening Address

1030 - 1115

Presentation by Top 3 Teams from Giving Back Theme

1115 - 1200

Presentation by Top 3 Teams from Environment Theme

1200 - 1245

Presentation by Top 3 Teams from Safety Theme

1245 - 1430


1430 - 1450

Kahoot Trivia Quiz (Environment, Giving Back, Safety)

1450 - 1505

Lucky Draw

1510 - 1530

Prize Presentation by Computing Club President

1530 - 1545

Closing Ceremony


Closing of Sponsor Booths


Main Prizes


Overall Best

For Each Theme

$1,000 & $500

Theme 1st & 2nd


Theme Best


Honorable Mentions

Special Prizes


Most Boomer Friendly


Most Unorthodox Hack


Best Pre-U Hack


Best Year 1 Hack


Most Impressive Use of Data


O‘Comm‘s Pick


Point Hogger

Theme Winners🎉

Note: in no particular order!

Giving Back

Top 3

GooseJCKZnotsus hacksthon

Honorouble Mentions



Top 3

git reset life - hardOrchidOne Wolves

Honorouble Mentions

CabbageThe Deck Club


Top 3

Quest BustersTeam Cow

Honorouble Mentions

PR BROSvoid painAndSuffering()

Top 3 teams from each theme will be presenting physically on 16th July to compete for the top prize!

Point System

The point system provides a chance for teams to be able to win some prizes through active participation in LifeHack 2022!

How do we earn points?

  • Attending Workshops
  • Sponsor booths
  • Games (Wikipedia, Guess the Song, Crossword Puzzle)

Well, what's the point of points?

The team with the most points will be awarded the Point Hogger prize!

Upcoming Workshops

Link to all workshops here!

4th July

2000 - 2100

NUS FinTech Society

Textual Analysis using Natural Language Processing

Location: Zoom

5th July

1400 - 1530


API Management & MuleSoft Methodoly

Location: Salesforce Office, Training Room

2000 - 2100

NUS Computing Club

Building a Telegram Bot using Python

Location: Zoom

6th July

2000 - 2100

NUS Computing Club

Flutter for Mobile Development

Location: Zoom

7th July

2000 - 2100

NUS StartIT Society

React for Web Development

Location: Zoom

2100 - 2200

NUS Stats & Data Science Society

Exploratory Data Analysis & Visualisation

Location: Zoom

Lucky Draws and Goodie Bags

Stay tuned for our lucky draws, where $1000+ worth of vouchers and other goodies will be up for grabs!

First 50 teams to register will also get a LifeHack 2022 goodie bag, provided you submit your hack on DevPost.

Our Sponsors

Club Sponsors

NCS Logo

Gold Sponsors

Tiktok Logo

Bronze Sponsors



Am I eligible to participate?

This event is open to all current Polytechnic, Junior College, ITE students, students awaiting entry to University, and all Undergraduate students.

Do I need any technical experience or knowledge?

Some programming knowledge is recommended but not necessary! We have workshops planned for you from 4th - 8th July. Attending these workshops will provide you with resources and ideas that will help you conceptualize and create your hack.

I don't have a team member. Can I still participate?

Each team should have 2 - 4 members. You may email us at and we can try to match you up with someone.

Will LifeHack 2022 be online or in-person?

LifeHack 2022 will be a hybrid event. The main hackathon event from 4th - 10th July will be conducted online, while the finale on 16th July will be a physical event.

What's next after submitting the registration form?

Your registration will then be reviewed by our team shortly. Upon reviewing all applications, we will notify you by email of the outcome of your registration.

Which platform will be used to disseminate event updates/announcements?

We will have a Discord server for you to join and be notified of workshops or mini events throughout the hackathon.

Can I use code that I previously wrote?

You are allowed to use snippets of code you have previously written. However, copying your entire hack from previous events or from other online sources is strictly not allowed.

How will the submissions be assessed?

Details on judging criteria and rules will be elaborated upon on the event Opening Day (9th July). Judging panels will consist of NUS professors and industry professionals.

Are there any restrictions on platforms or programming languages?

Nope! Feel free to use any programming language or technology you're comfortable with.

Any other questions?

Let us know at!

See you then!👋

Remember to create a team above!